Welocome to Take Me - Live Stream

Love Mission
Love Mission

Promotion Duration
June 22nd, 2020 (20.00) – June 26th, 2020 (23.00)

Promotion Details
➤ VJ who has broadcasted live for 1 hour, can claim free 10,000 Coupons.
➤ Live duration will be counted only during 20.00 – 23.00 of each day.
➤ If VJ is forced to end live session due to rule violation,
VJ will be disqualified from reward of that day.
On June 22nd, VJ broadcasts live and receives reward.
But, on June 23rd, VJ is being forced to ends live session.
She will be disqualified from the reward of the 23rd.
However, VJ is eligible to broadcast live session
to receive reward of the 24th.
➤ In each day, VJ who completes the conditions,
can claim free Coupons start at 00.01 until 19.59 of the next day. Otherwise,
VJ will lose the right to claim reward of that day.
On June 22nd, VJ has broadcasted live session for 1 hour.
But, she does not claim reward within June 23rd, 19.59.
She will lose the right to claim reward of the 22nd.
➤ VJ who completes the conditions and is eligible to claim coupons,
must claim coupons. Here!
➤ VJ’s ID who has first collected live hours and reached the milestone,
will be eligible for reward first.
➤ 1 VJ’s ID has 1 right /device/day.
➤ The right and rewards are limited.
➤ For inquiries and problem report,
Please contact LINE: @takemeclub / Fb: @TakeMeFanClub
➤ We reserve the right to change the event details without prior notice.
➤ The staff’s decision is final.
Winnine Pacific Pty Ltd ,NSW Australia